Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kitty for adoption #4 - Eda & Eka

Eda. Female, born mid March 2011, spayed.
Eka. Female, born mid March 2011, spayed.
Cats @ SPCA Penang

Penang Butterfly Farm part 3

Orni at the driveway welcoming visitors.
Photo gallery.


Whip Scorpion.
Eeek! Huge and hairy Tarantula..

Its looks kinda cheerful to me..

Penang Butterfly Farm's website: http://www.butterfly-insect.com/

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kitty for adoption #4 - Zoe

This pretty gal here is Zoe

Born July 2009. Spayed. Available for adoption at SPCA Penangl

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Kitty for adoption #3 - Aimi

This playful little girl here is Aimi

Born September 2011. Available for adoption at SPCA Penang

Kitty for adoption #2 - Margo

This girl here is Margo
She is gentle & affectionate
Taking a nap after lunch
Still sleepy

Female, spayed. Born in 2009. Available for adoption at SPCA Penang

Morning silhouettes

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


A quiet afternoon in my little garden
Light reading, daydreaming & napping in between

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Love is like a flower

Someone once said that love is like a flower, it grows slowly but dies quickly..

Zephyranthes Rosea from my garden


Wednesday, February 8, 2012